Lab Group 3/Demon Productions Bio

Lab Group 3

Billy Nakamura
         Billy is a senior in high school who often give off the impression he belongs in the 3rd grade. Entertained by silly games and pranks, Billy spends the majority of his time in Chem AP finding ways to pull pranks in class labs and discovering how close he can get his finger to somebody's face before they want to slap him. Billy grew up in a world of red and white. Even as a young child Billy dreamed of becoming a Stanford Cardinal. Growing up so close to Stanford, Billy was able to take weekly trips to the campus with his family. They would explore a new building of the school every week, and before long Billy knew the campus better than most of the administration. In his spare time Billy enjoys taking long walks on the beach and sitting in his garden while reading the Twilight saga. Next year he will be attending UC Davis and is looking forward to spending a year at the same school with Cathy's amazing sister Anna Stolitzka.

Cathy Stolitzka
        In the beginning of time, two people decided to create a child. They mixed together caffeine, lake water, sweat, blood, and a bit of cycloprofane. They let the heterogeneous mixture sit for a little while and when they came back they, discovered a girl. They named her Cathy. Cathy is a insane combination of drive and danger. She has been known to go 120 miles an hour in quiet suburban streets, while chugging her fuel of choice...Monster mixed with Red Bull, Five Hour Energy, Starbucks Coffee, and anything else she can find to feed her caffeine craving. Cathy does not require food, making her a unique specimen that many scientists across the globe wish to study. She dominates at crew, where her fierce competitiveness has led to many sketchy situations, including the disappearance of the entire Marin crew team three years ago. Cathy is both awesome and fearsome and that is why she was chosen for this movie.

Jay Rana
     Jay Rana is globally famous as the star of the world renown Bollywood movie "Jay Ran a 15 Minute Mile." However, in real life Jay runs 15 miles in one minute. He works at his local 7-11 as a cashier, constantly pushing his manager to introduce a curry-flavored Slurpie. His favorite task at work is answering phone calls, offering tech support in a thick accent to confused customers. At school, Rana is recognized as a celebrity and has a mob of girls following him 24-7. Even with the throng of papparzzi, many guys, jealous over his popularity with the ladies, target him with sniper rifles from the rooftops of the buildings and blend in the targeting system's red dot by aiming at his head. Luckily, his constant running from his pursuers allows him to elude the bullets as well. This ability to dodge bullets in real life attracted the producers of Curved to cast him for his role. 

Josh D'cruz
       Josh is a freshman in college who aspires to one day dress up in tights and finally stand up for what is right and what is wrong. Josh handles himself valiantly, always eating spinach and throwing spaghetti at his friends. His parents disrespect him, so he almost never goes home, only when he runs out of money. During his spare time, Josh heads over to the beach to gaze at passerbys and clean himself up in the ocean. Josh is ready for his next year in college where he finally will be able to make fun of freshman in college. Josh really hates freshmen and constantly eggs his room mate. He works as a cashier in Safeway and whenever he has a break he heads over in an aisle and sleeps.

Demon Productions

Damon Wong
      Damon has trouble with video editing software and mixing music. He is going to prom with the homecoming queen of our high school. He is obsessed with his body, especially his two biceps (which he has named Jus and Tice). He has had many girl problems in the past, leading to many hilarious stories for his friends. Freshman girls tend to have an unnatural attraction to him.