Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Cut

Final Length
20:31 w/o Credits
21:00 w Credits

We tried to cut as much as possible while still retaining the core of the dialogue and feel of the movie. If you didn't make the final cut, please don't feel offended. We would have liked to keep everyone in it, but we are over the time limit as it is. We hope you enjoy it when it premieres next Wednesday (June 1, 2011) right here on this website. Stay tuned for more...

Question of the Day #12

Reputation within Chem AP
Josh: Chill
Billy: Creeper/Troll
Jay: Quiet
Cathy: Outgoing
Damon: Weird because he's not even in Chem AP and has spent hours working on our project anyway

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Question of the Day #11

Favorite Pokemon
Josh: Haunter
Jay: So I heard you like Mudkipz
Billy: Lugia
Cathy: Any water Pokemon that swims alongside my boat
Damon: Charizard

Things We Learned While Filming This Movie

9. Shopping carts are not street legal for a reason
10. Always wear proper running shoes while on the trail
11. Fighting scenes can become completely inappropriate way too easily
12. Get a haircut before you start filming your movie

Monday, May 23, 2011

Things We Learned While Filming this Movie

5. Billy needs some mode of transportation for distances longer than 1 mile.
6. Josh has the water tolerance of a group 1 metal.
7. We still don't know where Jay lives... but really.
8. There are certain days when it is inappropriate to film in garages.

To be continued...

Question of the Day #10

Worst song of all time
Josh: Friday - Rebecca Black
Jay: I’ve Got a Feeling - The Black-Eyed Peas
Billy: Grenade - Bruno Mars
Cathy: Sons of Westwood - UCLA Marching Band
Damon: Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things We Learned While Filming This Movie

1) Alvin Jin is a bigger troll than anyone realized.
2) Hide your guns when the cops come...they might not see them.
3) Riyaz looks tough with his hair slicked back.
4) Don't make fake blood from soy sauce.

More to come later :D